Super Bowl Commercials

There were SO many to choose from but we tried our best to pick out the ones that caught our eyes!

It’s only right to start with what may have been the best one of the night? Bill Murray has a groundhog and a Jeep!

Hyndai came out with a wicked smart commercial. Or is it “Smaht Pahk”? Chris Evans, John Krasinski, and Rachel Dratch channel big Boston energy to show off Hyundai’s new parking technology, which also featuring Red Sox legend David Ortiz.

Anyone else freak out from the Jason Momoa ad? Because you definitely can’t un-see it.

Mr Peanut is dead? Wait he isn’t ? I’m very confused. Planters planted a Super Bowl Commercial and it’s below!

Yeaaaaa I want to take my horse to the Old Town Road.. to see Sam Elliot!

Budweiser came along and was not playing around this year!

Turbo Tax is now Tik Tok Tax!

Meanwhile Google Assistant managed to make us all cry with no warning.

And my personal favorite? Charlie Day being himself in all the Tide Pods! Consistency.